Choosing an Expert Scalp Micropigmentation Or Permanent Cosmetic Trainer
By Pam Neighbors,
Founder and Director Trillium Ink Academy
When Susan Smith*, now a star graduate of the Trillium Ink Academy, first called me to inquire about training in SMP, she hit me with an endless list of questions. I always encourage students who want to learn SMP to thoroughly research a good trainer, so I was happy to answer Susan, yet there seemed to be a deep anxiety in her voice. By the end of the conversation, she confided that she had already trained in scalp micropigmentation with a trainer who “taught me next to nothing!!” She related a story about a trainer who showed up to less than half of the workshop classes, expecting her to do work on live models alone, and who had snagged a training manual from a colleague, submitted it for licensing, and then skipped teaching most of the concepts in it. Sadly, Susan’s story isn’t rare in the cosmetic tattoo industry.
In a field where a technician is using a needle to create a hairline and replicate the look of real hair, or create a brow stroke, you would think that any trainer you choose must come with extensive education, triple-digit hours of experience, and expertise in their respective field. The truth is that even though cosmetic pigmentation demands extensive knowledge in anatomy, skin diseases and disorders, safety and sanitation regulations and all basic fundamentals of tattooing, many training programs out there are missing foundational education in one or more of these areas.
Regulations for licensing and certification are not uniform across states, and few states have developed high enough standards to make sure that trainers in permanent makeup and scalp tattooing are truly experts. Finding a top trainer can be confusing at best. It isn’t like looking for a lawyer who graduated from Harvard. A trainer you contact might have had as little training as a weekend course or little to no experience in one of the important areas listed above. Yet they can market anything they want on a social media platform.
Highly qualified trainers do exist, so how do you find them? First, remember that you are searching for a trainer that helps you become highly proficient in all the fundamental knowledge you will need. Secondly, the training they offer you should boost your reputation because it is so thorough. For all the permanent make-up technicians, tattoo artists, and anyone who is searching for high quality training in SMP, here are my best guidelines for finding a great trainer:
Skip the “guru” and go for the gold.
Don’t be shy about looking past the marketing hype like “top in their field” on a trainer’s website and asking him/her for a list of credentials. These should include licensing in individually related fields as well as in the specialty for which you are seeking training. Credentials should also include extended education courses in that specialty. No professional worth their weight will be offended if you ask to see their credentials.
Clout equals experience.
Too many people confuse visibility on the Internet with genuine experience in the hair loss solution field or in permanent make up. Remember that you are searching for a trainer who can help you navigate mistakes, produce art, and show you how to chart your business career. Whatever clout they have gained in their industry needs to come from years of experience and respect they have earned rather than awarded to themselves. I recommend considering a trainer with no less than 7 years of consistent experience in the area they are teaching.
Are they willing to spend time answering questions?
I always say that the amount of time a cosmetic tattooing trainer is willing to spend answering your initial questions about training is proportionate to the amount of time they will be willing to help you later. If they push you off on an office assistant, do not fully answer your questions about the program, and are not willing to produce a course description, then they may be under-experienced or just after your money. A high quality trainer cares about the impact he/she is making on their student’s lives and the lives of those students’ clients.
Ask for a Course Description.
Always ask for a course description. This tells you exactly what to expect. Check it against your training. Did you get all the information advertised? Unfortunately, many students have had to take legal recourse for a bad experience. Without a written course description, it will be difficult to hold a trainer responsible for the content they taught.
Picture perfect?
Always ask to see their professional portfolio pictures in addition to the ones posted on their website. High level scalp micropigmentation or permanent make up technicians don’t need to post stock photos or---worse! Pictures of other technicians’ clients! Unfortunately, the practice of “borrowing” a picture of someone with a great SMP look or beautifully tattooed permanent makeup eyebrows is more common than you think. Because I am a professional, I would not think of posting a finished photo of a client unless I personally worked on them, but I have found pictures of my clients on websites of newbies and so-called “trainers” in the business. This is false advertising, any way you look at it. Ask to see the educator's personal portfolio.
Check reviews wisely
Check the trainer’ reviews. I have always believed that if a person has good reviews from their clients, they are most likely conscientious about their overall business and will be a good trainer also. Ask for referrals of their former students.
Time on the phone means time they will take teaching.
If you call a trainer to ask about their program, have a checklist of questions ready, but also pay careful attention to whether they avoid spending time with you on the phone. I spend a half hour to 45 minutes on the phone with every potential student. If a trainer wants to shorten the call, you can probably assume that they will shorten the time they spend teaching you what you need to know.
Get the support.
One vital piece of information you want to get from any trainer is their policy on support after you complete the course. So many times, I hear from students that “I was offered support later, but after one phone call, it stopped.” Although offering support is at the instructor’s discretion, if a trainer cares about your success, they will offer it when it is important. Find out that policy.
There it is: My best advice for choosing a top trainer for scalp micropigmentation or permanent makeup! It is a wonderful new field to enter, so remember that you deserve the best training possible.
*Not her real name
Copyright 2019, Pam Neighbors, Tigard, Oregon. All rights reserved. No portion of this article may be reproduces, used, or distributed without express permission from the author.