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2025 recalled tattoo & PMU inks
Premier Pigments - Color is Everything - Brows Light Blonde Honey
Reference: https://inkflow.substack.com/p/what-to-do-about-recalled-tattoo
The SPCP is pleased to provide the results of these previous Industry Profile Studies.
With nearly a thousand technicians reporting worldwide, these are the largest and most complete studies for the permanent cosmetic industry. This information is invaluable to the permanent cosmetic technician, trainer, and supplier.
The SPCP Vision studies are now considered the gold standard for tracking trends in our industry. A few of the questions have changed, but overall we are comparing the same data from study to study.
On December 29, 2022, President Biden signed MOCRA into law, setting important requirements for cosmetic manufacturers and brand owners, which include tattoo inks/pigments. Regulatory requirements in whole or in part can be enforceable as early as toward the end of 2023.
The SPCP will post information as we receive it and urges the industry, particularly ink/pigment manufacturers and brand owners, to stay on top of what is happening.
Executive Director Shanan Zickefoose represents the SPCP as part of the Alliance of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO) Body Arts Committee (BAC). The BAC meets monthly and encourages manufacturers and brand owners to join AFDO and participate in BAC meetings.