Last updated: 06 December, 2024
Subscription Fee
+ Annual: $125.00 USD
+ Monthly: $12.99 USD
Requirements for Supporter membership
+ Supporter membership is available to persons who are non-industry, and/or in related fields such as; counter staff, healthcare workers, piercers, aestheticians etc), or those who do not meet the requirements for Associate Level Membership.
Supporter Membership includes:
+ Certificate of Membership (Supporter)
+ 5% discount on official SPCP merchandise.
Supporter Membership does not include:
+ Supporter membership does not include CPCP, Professional Membership, Associate Membership, Trainer Membership or Supplier Membership, Technician website listing or online learning events.
Subscription Fee
+ Annual: $299.00 USD
+ Monthly: $24.99 USD
Requirements for Associate membership
+ To qualify for Associate Member you must be: An apprentices and/or student in training or a technician with under 3 years of experience or under 100 hours of training.
Associate Membership includes:
+ Certificate of Membership (Associate)
+ Access to the SPCP members only portal
+ Discounted SPCP learning events
+ 5% discount on official SPCP merchandise
+ 5% off convention tickets
+ Use of Associate SPCP Logo.
Associate Membership does not include:
+ Associate membership does not include CPCP, Professional Membership, Trainer Membership or Supplier Membership, Technician website listing or some online learning events.
+ Associate membership is only available for a 3 year term. After 3 years you will be required to change your membership to a Professional Membership.
Subscription Fee
+ Membership Annual: $395.00 USD
+ Membership Monthly: $36.99 USD
+ Membership + Directory Annual: $480.00 USD
+ Membership + Directory Monthly: $44.49 USD
Requirements for Professional membership
+ To qualify for Professional Member you must show 3+ Industry Experience and/or 100+ hours of training.
Professional Membership includes:
+ Certificate of Membership (Professional level)
+ Full access to online members portal
+ Access to online learning events
+ 10% off convention tickets
+ 10% off official SPCP merchandise,
+ Use of Official SPCP Logo.
Professional Membership does not include:
+ CPCP, Trainer Membership or Supplier Membership, Technician website listing
*This membership option is no longer available for new applicants.
Subscription Fee
+ Annual Subscription Administration Fee: $49.00 USD or
+ Annual Subscription Administration Fee + Directory Listing: $134.00 USD
NOTE: Lifetime membership does not include directory listing, CPCP, Trainer Membership or Supplier Membership
Requirements for Lifetime membership
+ Lifetime Membership is only available to existing lifetime members prior to January 2025
Lifetime Membership includes:
+ Full access to online members portal, Access to online learning events, Certificate of membership (lifetime level), 10% off convention tickets, 10% off official SPCP merchandise, Use of Official SPCP Logo.
Lifetime Membership does not include:
+ CPCP, Trainer Membership, Supplier membership, Technician website listing & some online learning events.
* Lifetime members who had qualified prior to Jan 1st 2025 can choose to continue lifetime membership with the addition of the annual maintenance fee but membership does not include directory listing , CPCP, trainer or supplier membership. If you are a lifetime member with current trainer membership you are required to renew every 4 years and must meet all trainer member renewal requirements to re-qualify.
Subscription Fee
Trainer membership does not include Professional membership, Lifetime membership, CPCP, Supplier Membership or Train the Trainer Course.
There is a one-time non-refundable application fee of $100 USD to apply to become an SPCP trainer member. Once you meet all requirements and are approved you will be required to set up a trainer member subscription of:
+ Annual $250 USD (includes website directory listing)
+ Monthly subscription $22.00 USD (includes website directory listing)
NOTE: This is in addition to your SPCP Professional & Lifetime Membership.
NOTE: If you pay trainer application or renewal fee but do not qualify, the payment is non-refundable and you will be required to pay the $100 application fee again when you re-apply.
Requirements to become a SPCP Trainer Member:
+ Each trainer must be a SPCP Professional or Lifetime Member.
+ Each trainer must maintain Certified Permanent Cosmetic Professional (CPCP) designation.
+ Each trainer will have a minimum of five (5) years of permanent cosmetic experience and have completed a minimum of three hundred (300) procedures for each procedure type that is being taught and must be verifiable.
+ Trainers will complete not less than sixteen (16) hours of continuing education over a two (2) year period. This may include attendance at conventions, virtual training, and other classes pertinent to the permanent cosmetics field.
+ Each trainer shall have a high school diploma, GED, or equivalent.
+ Each trainer must attend a Train the Trainer program (offered at least once a year) and renew it every four years.
+ Each trainer is will submit the application or renewal form and all required documents. This includes at least 1 copy of a current student curriculum for the training level the trainer is applying to teach. (Please refer to the trainer member guidelines for information on course requirements).
+ Must read & abide by the Trainer Member Guidelines
+ Trainer Membership must be renewed every 4 years. This will require full re-application and approval.
Benefits of being an SPCP Trainer Member:
+ Each trainer will be listed on the official SPCP website Trainers directory
+ Once yearly, FREE post on the SPCP official social media FB & IG page and members only groups. *to be approved by SPCP
+ 20% OFF SPCP Merchandise and Books
+ Additional discount on convention tickets for bulk purchase.
+ Trainer members will have the opportunity to be a part of the CPCP Affiliate Program.
+ Trainers will be offered an opportunity to add courses to the SPCP Education Page (Additional fees apply/not included in membership)
Subscription Fee
Supplier membership does not include Professional membership, CPCP, Trainer Membership.
+ Annual $150 USD for SPCP Professional Members
+ Annual $650 USD for non-members
Requirements to become a SPCP Supplier Member:
+ Supplier members must be approved by SPCP admin
+ Must read & agree to abide by Supplier Member Guidelines
+ Complete the Supplier Member application form
Benefits of Being a Supplier Member with the SPCP
+ Listing on the SPCP Website Suppliers Page
+ Listing on the SPCP Website Supplier Members Page
+ Listing Link in our Members Only Portal
+ Once yearly, FREE post on the official SPCP Social Media IG & FB pages plus members only groups
+ Once yearly, FREE advertisement in a SPCP members monthly newsletter (Small size ad 1080x1080px)
+ Discounted Booth at convention
+ Members Portal - Mention & Opportunity for the Supplier Member to post promotions directly to the "Supplier Channel" in the members portal at your discretion.
Pricing available for members & non-members
+ Suppler Members who offer a Promotion/Discount to our members will get priority listing space on the SPCP Website
CPCP examination is open to all members & non members but candidates must accept and abide by the SPCP Code of Ethics.
The SPCP requires its CPCP delegates to qualify for renewal every two years.
Requirements for CPCP application & certification.
Participants must;
+ Have completed a course of study in the field of permanent cosmetics of not less than 100 hours at the fundamental level. If less than 100 hours, continuing education specific to the industry must be accumulated to achieve 100 hours total. Proof of hours are required. If they are not listed on a certificate, a short note from the trainer specifying hours is acceptable.
+ Show a certificate from a current Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) class. Classes must be industry specific. OSHA Standard is required if the candidate works in the USA.
+ The candidate must be currently active in the permanent cosmetics industry or has recently completed a training program or apprenticeship.
+ A completed application is required with a copy of a photo ID, documentation of classes and/or continuing education, proof of the Bloodborne Pathogens Class, and the required fees.
+ The application must be in the SPCP office 14 days before the exam and an incomplete submission will not be processed.
Requirements for CPCP renewal
Applicants must;
+ Complete CPCP renewal application & payment
+ Submit an updated certificate of completion of approved Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) class. Classes must be industry specific. OSHA Standard is required if the candidate works in the USA.
+ Proof of 12 hours of continuing education in the past 2 years. Proof of hours are required. If they are not listed on a certificate, a short note from the trainer specifying hours is acceptable.
+ Continue to abide by the SPCP Code of Ethics
+ Application fee for all applicants is $300 USD non-refundable. This fee will also cover your 2 year certification if you pass the exam.
+ Renewal fees are $150 USD non-refundable for Members & $250 USD non-refundable for Non-Members.
NOTE: If you pay CPCP renewal fee but do not qualify for CPCP renewal, the payment is still non-refundable.
+ If you do not pass the exam you will be charged another exam application fee of $150 to re-sit the exam.
+ If you fail to show for your exam or you cancel in less than 72 hours you will be required to re-submit your application & fee to re-apply is $150
Subscription Fee
+ Annual Fee: $85.00 USD
*Option to add into monthly Professional membership payment plan
Note: Any changes to a website directory listing will incur a fee of $25.00 USD per modification.
Additional Information
+ Listing on the spcp website at
+ Listing will stay on the site while subscription is paid and up-to-date.
+ Supporter & Associate Members are not eligible for directory listing.
+ Technician listing is not included in Professional membership but is an additional subscription fee.
+ Technician listing is included in Trainer membership fees and will remain on the site while the member still qualifies for Trainer Member
Trainer Members who register for the Trainer Member CPCP Affiliate Program will receive a 5% commission on all successful CPCP exam participants who sign up using the trainer members unique affiliate link.
Must be an approved SPCP Trainer Member in good standing.
1. Trainer Member program participants can receive a 5% commission on all successful CPCP exam participants who sign up using the trainer members personal affiliate link.
2. Trainer member will receive a “unique affiliate Link” to give to students to sign up for the CPCP exam. The link can be added to the trainer members website, emails, and social media.
3. Trainer member will have access to their Affiliate Dashboard from the members portal at > Affiliate.
4. It is the responsibility of the trainer member participant to visit this dashboard and add their payout account details.
5. The payout amount report on the Dashboard may be subject to change based on the pass or fail of the exam participant. This change will be done manually by the SPCP admin after each exam.
6. Enrolment in this program will be revoked if trainer member is no longer active and subscription up-to-date.
As an approved SPCP Trainer Member you have the option to feature up to 2 online courses on the SPCP website "Education page"
To qualify for this offer, you must:
+ Be an SPCP Trainer Member in good standing
+ Have an online course that meets or exceeds SPCP course terms & conditions (see below)
+ Have an affiliate program associated with your online learning platform
+ The affiliate program must have the following: Automated affiliate payouts, Affiliate dashboard, 20% Affiliate payout for the SPCP
+ Agree to the terms and conditions;
Terms & Conditions:
1. The course cannot be a Fundamentals course
2. There must be some form of instructor/student communication/feedback
3. If certificates are provided, they must state the course was given online (a virtual course) and include: Course description & Hours
4. Instructors cannot “certify” students in any skill or technique unless they are an accredited learning institution. Certificates can say “Certificate of Attendance” or “Certificate of Course Completion.”
5. Trainers can set their own course prices; however, the affiliate payout or SPCP retention fee must remain at 20%.
6. If the trainer no longer qualifies as a trainer member, their courses will be removed from the site and the trainer does not qualify for this offer.
7. The trainer agrees to provide the SPCP with a free pass (temporary or permanent) to the course so that it can be reviewed to ascertain it is consistent with SPCP Trainer Guidelines, SPCP Standards, and the Code of Ethics.
Live Learning Event Sponsor
$500 per event
+ Advertisement and Recognition during event
+ Advertisement and Recognition in the online course. Courses will be on the website for 12 months for sale and available to members for free.
Current event opportunities = Sip 'n' Share Live Learning events & recorded course.
Bronze Annual Sponsor
$1000 USD Annual
+ Small Sponsor Banner on SPCP website home page
+ 1 x small advertising space in the monthly newsletter x 12 months
+ 10% discount for event sponsorship
Silver Annual Sponsor
$3000 USD Annual
+ Medium Sponsor Banner on SPCP website home page
+ 12 months directory listing (Supplier or Member)
+ 1 x small advertising space in the monthly newsletter x 12 months
+ 15% discount for event sponsorship
Gold Annual Sponsor
$5000 USD Annual
+ Large Sponsor Banner on SPCP website home page
+ 12 months directory listing (Supplier or Member)
+ 1 x quarter page advertising space in the monthly newsletter x 12 months
+ 15% discount for event sponsorship
As a non-profit organization, our administrative team operates on a volunteer basis, so response times to emails may take up to 7 business days. If your request requires a vote by the Board, please allow up to 2 months for processing.
Please note the following administrative fees:
- A fee of $20.00 USD per document will be charged to any member requesting that their information be shared with a regulatory body or another organization and this request must be in writing as per our "privacy policy".
- Any changes to a website directory listing will incur a fee of $25.00 USD per modification.
This membership agreement between the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals’ “organization” and “member” shall be effective on the date of membership purchase. The membership is automatic renewal and paid subscription until cancelled by either the Organization or the member.
For purposes of this agreement, "member” means you as the user of the services, and “Organization” refers to the Society Of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals, (SPCP).
By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you, as Member, are confirming that you are at least twenty-one (21) years of age and agree to abide by and accept the terms and conditions contained herein. The terms and conditions apply to your Membership with the SPCP.
The benefits of Membership will inure to the Member only during the active term of Membership. The Organization has the right to change these terms and conditions at any time for any reason at its discretion, including benefits and discounts offered. Notice of change of terms will be provided to each Member within sixty (60) days of any changes made. Membership will continue in full force and effect regardless of any changes to the terms and conditions contained herein. The Organization reserves the right to change, add, or remove services, benefits and/or products available from the organization and does not guarantee any particular service, benefit, or product will be available to Members.
This Agreement is personal to the member(s) and may not be assigned, transferred or otherwise disposed of by the member(s) and Membership does not include: access or benefits for any party other than Member.
Monthly, quarterly and annual membership payments shall be made in advance by direct debit from the member’s designated credit/debit account. This information will be kept on file by the organization.
You will be billed on the same day of the month each month according to the date that you initiated the contract and membership. We cannot change the billing date.
You are responsible to ensure that the credit card number on file with the organization is valid so that the fee can be charged to that card. You may change the credit card provided at any time, provided, however, that it is your responsibility to make sure that there is always a valid credit card number on file with the organization for payment of the Monthly, quarterly or annual Fee. If there is not a valid credit card on file with the organization at the time the Monthly Fee is charged to that card and one is not provided within ten days after the regularly scheduled date for payment, the organization may exercise any and all rights available to it , whether under this agreement or under applicable law, which may include, but are not limited to, suspension of your membership in the membership until such payment is made, assessing a late payment fee of $35.00, and/or terminating this Agreement.
The organization reserves the right to review subscriptions periodically. Members will be given at least a 60 days’ notice in writing of any changes, which include: (i) any increase in membership fee, (ii) change in date of automatic withdrawal.
The member may cancel any Membership at any time for any reason, using this link. - No refunds will be available and membership will run until the next due payment date.
The organization may cancel without providing any refund for paid Membership fees. If you commit any of the following violations, it will be grounds for automatic termination of your Membership:
(a) you provide false or misleading information on your application form;
(b) you provide invalid or improper payment details in any respect;
(c) you fail to provide updated payment information after one (1) EFT automatic payment failure within thirty (30) days of failed payment;
(d) you commit a serious breach of this Agreement and/or the organizations Code of Ethics;
(e) where any monies are due to the organization by you remain unpaid for 30 days after its due date for payment
(f) you knowingly provide false details when applying for membership and the false declaration would have reasonably affected the organizations decision to grant the membership;
(g) If the organization terminates for any reason, they reserve the right to retain any monies received to cover any reasonable costs they have incurred as a result; or
(h) you violate any other portion or requirement of these terms and conditions or you violate any other policy of the Company.
Membership may be suspended (but not cancelled) for up to 90 days. A medical certificate may be required. Members will be liable to pay an administration charge of $25 to suspend their membership per month. After the 90 days or other suspension period, the monthly charges will resume. We must receive notice prior to the next billing cycle of your need to temporarily suspend the membership.
In consideration of this Membership and access to the benefits provided in association with the Membership, you hereby waive, covenant not to sue and release any and all claims which may be brought by you or your family, estate, heirs and/or assigns, against the Organization its representatives, independent contractors and agents from any and all present or future claims of loss, theft, injury or damages of any kind to your person or property, personal injuries or death, which do or may exist, now or in the future, whether currently known or unknown, including but not limited to those which arise as a result of the Membership or these terms and conditions, products you purchase from the Organization, or anything incidental to the Membership or terms and conditions, participation in any on- or off-site Organization-related activities, or any other activities incidental thereto, for any reason whatsoever, wherever, whenever, or however the same may occur regardless of whether the claim arose by way of your negligence, the negligence of any person associated with the Organization, including the directors, representatives, independent contractors and agents or on Company premises. You further agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Organization and all associated parties, including its director(s), representatives and agents for any and all of the above referenced claims wherever, whenever, or however the same may occur, and regardless of whether the claim arose from your, the Organizations, or other associated party’s negligence.
You understand and agree that this Waiver and Release of Liability is meant to be interpreted broadly and include any and all potential past, present, and/or future claims.
By signing this Agreement, you confirm that you are at least twenty-one (21) years of age, have access to an electronic copy of these terms and conditions, agree to all terms and conditions contained herein, and acknowledge the Organization has not provided any express or implied warranty or representation other than those contained herein.
These terms and conditions and all related documents, and all matters arising out of or relating to these terms and conditions, whether sounding in contract, tort, or statute are governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Oklahoma, (including its statutes of limitations), without giving effect to the conflict of laws provisions thereof to the extent such principles or rules would require or permit the application of the laws of any jurisdiction other than those of the State of Oklahoma. Any action by either party relating to this agreement must be brought in Tulsa, Oklahoma. If any term, covenant, or condition of these terms and conditions are found to be invalid and/or unenforceable, the remainder of the terms and conditions will be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent of the law of the state of Oklahoma.
This Agreement, together with any other documents incorporated herein by reference, constitutes the sole and entire agreement of the Member and Organization with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement, and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous understandings, agreements, representations, and warranties, both written and oral, with respect to the subject matter. The Member and the Organization (collectively, the “Parties,” and separately, “Party”) have not relied on any statement, representation, warranty, or agreement of the or of any other person on such Party’s behalf, including any representations, warranties, or agreements arising from statute or otherwise in law, except for the representations, warranties, or agreements expressly contained in this Agreement.
By accepting these terms and conditions, you assert that you are of sound mind, understand all provisions, and will abide by all terms and conditions herein contained.
By purchasing the “membership” from the organization you are accepting these terms & conditions.
All online courses are non-refundable. You will be emailed access to the online course after purchase and can also access your course after purchase via the portal at
By purchasing the “courses” from the organization you are accepting these terms & conditions.
CPCP exam eligibility is required for your CPCP application. Requirements for application & eligibility are;
A course of study in the field of permanent cosmetics of not less than 100 hours at the fundamental level. If less than 100 hours, continuing education specific to the industry must be accumulated to achieve 100 hours total.
Proof of hours are required.
a) If they are not listed on a certificate, a short note from the trainer specifying hours is acceptable.
b) Hours will not be accepted if fraud is suspected and/or signed off by your place of business.
c) SPCP audits all continuing education certificates.
A certificate from a current Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) class. Classes must be industry specific & on the list of SPCP approved courses. (See List Below). OSHA Standard is required if the candidate works in the USA.
The candidate must be currently active in the permanent cosmetics industry or has recently completed a training program or apprenticeship.
A completed application is required with a copy of a photo ID, documentation of classes and/or continuing education, proof of the Bloodborne Pathogens Class, and the required fees. The application must be in the SPCP office 14 days before the exam. An incomplete submission will not be processed.
Membership certificates or copies of certificates from other programs or industries such as cosmetology, esthetics, nursing, are not accepted.
After application is submitted you will receive an automatic confirming the application was received. If deemed eligible for the exam you will receive notification of the exam no less than 7 days prior to the date and time you chose in your initial application.
The CPCP exam is an industry specific exam that contains 100 questions. The exam is delivered via live proctor and a pass of 81% is required for certification. The exam is a fundamental level so those professionals, having successfully completed training that meets the CPCP Candidate requirement and have attended a bloodborne with 100 questions.
The time (and time-zone) mentioned in your exam notification email is a "time-window" to confirm your identity before starting the exam. Please have your state issued ID nearby as you will be directed to show it on your webcam to confirm your identity. You will also be required to provide a 360-degree view of the area where you will be taking your exam. You can do this by using your webcam to show the testing area (you may need to lift your laptop to do this. You may be directed to remove items to ensure a clean and secure testing environment (ie, no reference materials, notes, etc.). Once the registration is complete, you will be authorized to begin the exam, in which you will have the full 90 minutes to complete.
For full exam subjects and information on study modals, please refer to our CPCP information page
Taking the CPCP Exam online, you will be expected to conduct yourself in a manner which would be consistent with taking an exam in a testing center or college. This means no reading questions aloud, navigating away from the testing screen, having others present or talking to others in the testing area, looking away from the testing screen for extended amounts of time, use of cellphones, recording devices, reference materials, etc., are strictly prohibited. During the exam you will be monitored, recorded and will be warned if infractions occur. Should infractions occur too often, or warnings are ignored, the exam may be terminated at the discretion of the online proctor, and exam fees will be forfeited.
During the exam you will need to ensure that you have any computer/system notifications temporally disabled for the duration of the exam. This includes (but not limited to), email, instant messengers [Skype, Discord, Messenger, WhatsApp, etc.], system notifications [printer notifications, system updates, etc.]. Navigating away from the test window to click and close these notifications will be flagged and a warning will be given. It is your responsibility to ensure that your test environment and computer are configured to ensure you have the best test taking experience.
Test results may take up to 2 weeks and you will be notified by email. If you pass, you will receive an email with your CPCP certificate and CPCP logo assets for your use. CPCP is only valid for 2 years and at that time requires renewal. See below for renewal requirements. If you do not pass, you will be notified by email. You will need to re-apply for the exam and a fee is payable upon re-application.
To maintain CPCP status you are required to renew every 2 years.
To renew your CPCP you must;
Complete CPCP renewal application & payment
Submit an updated certificate of completion of approved Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) class. Classes must be industry specific & on the list of SPCP approved courses. OSHA Standard is required if the candidate works in the USA.
Proof of 12 hours of continuing education in the past 2 years.
a. Proof of hours are required. If they are not listed on a certificate, a short note from the trainer specifying hours is acceptable.
b. Hours will not be accepted if fraud is suspected and/or signed off by your place of business.
c. SPCP audits all continuing education certificates.
Continue to abide by the SPCP Code of Ethics
Failure to abide by the SPCP code of ethics or maintain your CPCP status will result in immediate forfeit of your CPCP designation.
The organization may cancel your CPCP designation f you commit any of the following violations;
(a) you provide false or misleading information on your application form;
(b) you provide invalid or improper payment details in any respect;
(c) you fail to provide updated payment information after one (1) EFT automatic payment failure within thirty (30) days of failed payment;
(d) you commit a serious breach of this Agreement and/or the organizations Code of Ethics;
(e) where any monies are due to the organization by you remain unpaid for 30 days after its due date for payment
(f) you violate any other portion or requirement of these terms and conditions or you violate any other policy of the Company.
As an approved SPCP Trainer Member you have the option to feature up to 2 online courses on the SPCP website "Education Page".
To qualify for this offer, you must:
Be an SPCP Trainer Member in good standing
Have an online course that meets or exceeds SPCP course standards (see below)
Have an affiliate program associated with your online learning platform
The affiliate program must have the following:
- Automated affiliate payouts
- Affiliate dashboard environment with stats/analytics
- 20% Affiliate payout for the SPCP
Agree to the terms and conditions stated below
*If you need help understanding or setting up an affiliate dashboard, please reach out to us.
1. The course cannot be a Fundamentals course
2. There must be some form of instructor>student communication>feedback
3. If certificates are provided, they must state the course was given online (a virtual course) and include: Course description & Hours
4. Instructors cannot “certify” students in any skill or technique unless they are an accredited learning institution. Certificates can say “Certificate of Attendance” or “Certificate of Course Completion.”
5. Trainers can set their own course prices; however, the affiliate payout or SPCP retention fee must remain at 20%.
6. If the trainer no longer qualifies as a trainer member, their courses will be removed from the site and the trainer does not qualify for this offer.
7. The trainer agrees to provide the SPCP with a free pass (temporary or permanent) to the course so that it can be reviewed to ascertain it is consistent with SPCP Trainer Guidelines, SPCP Standards, and the Code of Ethics.
Must be an approved SPCP Trainer Member in good standing.
1. Trainer Member program participants can receive a 5% commission on all successful CPCP exam participants who sign up using your personal affiliate link.
2. Trainer member will receive a “unique CPCP exam affiliate Link” to give to students to sign up for the CPCP exam. The link can be added to their website, emails, and social media.
3. Trainer will have access to their Affiliate Dashboard from the members portal at > Affiliate.
4. It is the responsibility of the trainer member participant to visit this dashboard and add their payout account details.
5. The payout amount report on the Dashboard may be subject to change based on the pass or fail of the exam participant. This change will be done manually by the SPCP admin after each exam.
6. Enrolment in this program will be revoked if trainer member is no longer active, or in good standing with the SPCP.