Are you tired of refreshing your lipstick several times during the day? Do the current all day lipstick brands make your lips dry or chapped? Would you like a professional opinion regarding the appearance of your lips and what can be accomplished with permanent cosmetics toward a more symmetric and fuller appearance? Is your inventory of $20 lipsticks getting financially out of hand and a burden to keep fresh and environmentally clean? Are you aware that in 2004 the FDA banned cow brains in lipsticks due to mad cow disease?
One has to wonder what else is in this pretty container that we would not find ingredient attractive if we were just made aware. Do you wish you had some of the natural coloring you had when you were younger?
If so, Permanent Cosmetic Lip Color is for you!
A natural appearing permanent cosmetic lip color can be applied to give more definition, correct uneven lips, which will result in a fuller appearance. The procedure also helps prevent lipstick from bleeding and can minimize the appearance of wrinkles.
Full lip color can be applied in either a natural hue or a more vivid one. Wear your permanent lip color alone in a natural tone or apply different shades of lipstick over your permanent lip color for those occasions when you prefer a more dramatic look–you will find that the color lasts much longer when applied over permanent cosmetic lip color than it did to a bare lip.
Because the coloring and shape of the natural lip is unpredictable, it is common for a technician to request you attend a consultation before an appointment for the actual procedure is scheduled. At the consultation, your color and shape objectives and probability of success with permanent cosmetic pigments and techniques will be discussed.
Permanent cosmetic professionals typically ask if you have ever had a cold sore or fever blister on the lips and if so what seems to be the trigger to this condition. If your answer to this question is “yes,” you will in all likelihood be requested to speak to your medical provider regarding a medication formulated specifically for a breakout, an antiviral medication.
If you and the consulting technician have agreed to go forward and schedule an appointment, the technician may suggest the timing does not coincide with any important events. Lips appear very vibrant for a few days after the initial procedure and dryness associated with the healing process requires the application of a moisturizing product. As with any artistic appearance enhancement service, techniques will vary from technician to technician.
The actual permanent cosmetic lip procedure varies inasmuch as there are numerous devices that prevent cross contamination that technicians may use. The choices are the coil machine, the linear device (the Neo Tat) the digital rotary machines, the permanent cosmetic pen rotaries, and the manual device. All, when used in accordance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Bloodborne Pathogens guidelines, are safe. You may ask to see the attendance certificate indicating your permanent cosmetic professional has attended an OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens class. If there is permit, registration, or licensing required in your state, you should also look for the appropriate documents, which are required to be posted in plain sight, to ensure the cosmetic tattoo artist is compliant with state and local laws.
The process – Some technicians will use a pre-procedure anesthetic, some do not. If a pre-procedure anesthetic is used and the technician is not a physician or working under the direction of a physician, it will be an over-the-counter (OTC) level anesthetic which has proved to be quite effective. If you are working with an SPCP member technician, the anesthetic is likely to be supplied by an SPCP supplier member who ensures anesthetic OTC contents levels are well within the limits of the law. The same would apply to anesthetics used during the permanent cosmetic lip procedure.
The work table will be assembled with one-time-use accessories. If a pre-procedure anesthetic was applied, it is removed in a timely manner in accordance with manufacturer instructions, a sterilized needle will be opened, the needle assembled into the device and the procedure begins.
Aftercare instructions are normally provided and some technicians provide products if any are called out in the instructions.
A follow up appointment is normally scheduled in four to eight weeks, depending on the age of the client, to determine how the lip tattoo procedure healed and if any further work is needed.
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